Smart science fiction på gång
Scen ur kommande Untitled Sunshine Project.
Danny Boyle, som kanske är mest känd för Trainspotting (1996), är på gång med en ny film, Untitled Sunshine Project. Som jag förstått det avslutades inspelningen precis innan jul - och nu är de på gång med postproduktionen. Emipre hade en kort notis om filmen härromdagen och det bådar mycket gott. Så här säger en av huvudpersonerna, Cillian Murphy, om filmen:
I think he's (Danny Boyle) going to have something very interesting with this film. Something we won't have seen before. I think it will be a very, very special film, because there hasn't been like a classic sci-fi movie like the original Solaris, like 2001, Alien in a while, and I think it harks back to that sort of territory. It's intelligent, like.
Spännande! Jag är ju rätt svag för smart science fiction och ser fram emot den här filmen.
Michelle Yeoh, Sverigeaktuell med Memoirs of a Geisha, säger så här om arbetet med filmen:
It was hard because there were eight key actors and we were stuck in a place. We didn’t have the luxury of choosing different locations – in sunshine, walking in the park ... it was so different from Memoirs of a Geisha, it couldn’t be more different. In Memoirs it would take us three, four hours to get our hair and make-up and get dressed, and in Sunshine it takes ten minutes. The make-up artist ruffles your hair and goes ‘Hey! You’re done!’ and you’re like, ‘What about lipstick and mascara?’ ‘You’re in space girl, you’re supposed to be this amazing astronaut and botanist so you don’t have to put that on!
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